Welcome to Granting Hope!

It is with heavy hearts that we welcome you to our ministry. We exist because we too have lost a child and wish to comfort those who know this pain. You can read our story and learn more about what we do as you navigate through the tabs below.

Please know that you are not alone and that the darkness that you feel right now will ease with time, love, and support. We hope and pray that we can be of some comfort to you in these coming days.

With love and hope,

Jody & Kris

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our newest infant gowns

I love just sitting back and observing how God works.  From day one I have had a peace about this ministry; knowing that God was going to provide everything for it.  At this moment we have completely used up all our donation funds; therefore, we are at a halt on "production", or rather, a small "bend" in the road. Several days ago we received an email message from a dear friend informing us that we should watch our mail for a package.  True to her word a package arrived and I tore it open excitedly to find two beautiful burial gowns for infant girls. I am not trained in the beautiful art of sewing; so I have to rely on friends to provide me with them. Up until this time, we have only delivered gowns for infant boys to the hospital- and now we have a beautiful design for the girls!
Here is a picture of the back of the gown and then the front of the gown:

My friend who made these gowns knows the pain of losing a child very well.  Her daughter's name was Megan Elizabeth; and she was just 36 weeks gestation when she went to Heaven. The mommies who eventually receive these gowns can be comforted in the knowledge that Megan's mommy will be praying for them in their time of sorrow.  I cannot think of a better way to honor Megan than for her mommy to share her gifts with others who are experiencing the same loss.  Thank you, Kellie, for your hard work, prayers, and compassion toward others who are hurting.

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