Welcome to Granting Hope!

It is with heavy hearts that we welcome you to our ministry. We exist because we too have lost a child and wish to comfort those who know this pain. You can read our story and learn more about what we do as you navigate through the tabs below.

Please know that you are not alone and that the darkness that you feel right now will ease with time, love, and support. We hope and pray that we can be of some comfort to you in these coming days.

With love and hope,

Jody & Kris

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thirty One Days in October

It has been a long time since I have posted. Part of the reason is just the fact that I work part time now,and the other part is that I went through a pregnancy this spring which resulted in another loss the beginning of the summer. Plain and simple, I've just not been in the mood to write. I know that in spite of the roller coaster ride I feel I am riding at this time in my life, I have to keep helping and encouraging others. That being said, I wanted to let you know about something new and beautiful our sweet friend Carly has come up with for those of us dealing with the grief of infant loss. There are thirty one days in the month of October. So beginning on Monday, October 1, mothers around the world are joining together to capture their grief in photos. Personally, I find it typical- ok, maybe a little humorous too- that I would lose my camera right before this wonderful event. However, I plan to alternate use between my phone camera and a friend of mine who has one of those fancy schmancy cameras. :) If you should find yourself in the same predicament, feel free to do likewise. So Day 1 is Sunrise. Photograph the sunrise in your area. I will be sharing my photos here, our Facebook page, and maybe Carly's Facebook page. If you are leery of sharing your thirty-one day journey, you may share your photos here, or on Carly's Facebook event page. For all the details and the other thirty days of sharing, please visit this page--


Wishing you peace, love, and a beautiful October...

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